Monday, January 2, 2012

What do I want to accomplish?

My biggest goal is to lose about 20 lbs. I currently am at 157, but I would be happy at 140. Although my ultimate goal is to lose weight, I have other goals that I'm going to try to accomplish. And hopefully during the process lose the pounds too. Here are a list of my goals:

1. Get more active Monday thru Friday.
I already have a pedometer for work, and I usually get plenty of steps in on Saturday and Sunday at work. My goal is to get at least 7,000 steps a day, and at least three days a week over 10,000 steps.

2. Make it to the gym more often.
We have a membership, and Ella is at preschool twice a week. So my goal is to go at least twice a week while she is at preschool.

3. Work out at least four times a week.
If I make it to the gym twice, then that leaves two more workouts to get in. I am leaving some flexibility, due to my fibromyalgia and lupus. I can run around the neighborhood, do a video at home (Lord knows we have enough of them), or a quick crossfit workout.

4. Eat better and healthier, and drink more water.
I am not good with meal plans, especially extreme diets. I just want to reduce fast food, and choose healthier when we do eat out. I am going to try to incorporate healthier foods and snacks, cut out sodas, and not eat as much candy and sweets. I have a calorie counter app that seems pretty easy to use, and I plan on using it more to educate and gain more insight into what I'm eating, not really to restrict calories.

5. Keep track of my progress, and not give up.
I think I've failed at diets in the past because I haven't tracked my progress and goals. So I hope to post at least on once a week, maybe Fridays, and take pics at least every two weeks.

To come: How I'm going to do it!